GPL Blog

From the Children’s Room — October 2022

Shhhhhh, there are imposters among us. 

Twenty-one third through sixth graders put their sleuthing tactics to the test on Friday, October 7 after the library closed for an After Hours Live-Action Among Us program.  The program is based off of the video game ‘Among Us’ that gained popularity during the pandemic.  In the video game, crewmates tend to a broken spaceship by completing a series of tasks. However, there are imposters amongst the crewmates who are trying to prevent that from happening. 

For our live-action version of the game, each participant was randomly assigned either a crewmate role or an imposter role. During gameplay, crewmates each had 6 tasks to complete, including solving puzzles in navigation, cleaning an imaginary O2 filter, and fixing pretend electrical wiring, all of which were spread out through the main floor of the library. All the while, imposters attempted to sabotage the game and eliminate crewmates before their tasks were complete. If the crewmates completed all of their tasks or correctly identified all the imposters, the spaceship was fixed and the day was saved! But if the imposters eliminated enough crewmates before that happened, they were crowned the winners instead. 

Below are some pictures from the event. 

We started off with an introduction to game play. 






Participants solving a puzzle at navigation.








Participants at O2, weapons, and navigation.








Participants at shields.








Players at the reactor station.